Tue 14 May 2024

Uses of Computer in Medical Field


The computer can be used in the medical field in the following ways:


Hospital Administration

Hospital is an important organization. We can use a computer for the administration of a hospital. We can computerize the accounting, payroll, and stock system of the hospital. We can keep the record of different medicines, their distribution and use in different wards, etc.


Recording Medical History

Computers can be used to store the medical history of patients. We can store important facts about patients in computer We can keep a record of his past treatment, suggested medicines, and their results. Such systems can be very effective and helpful for doctors.


Monitoring System

Some serious patients must be monitored continuously. Monitoring is needed especially in operation theaters and intensive care units are units. Many computerized devices are used to monitor the blood pressure the heartbeat brain of the patients.   


Life Support Systems.

Life support systems are used to help disabled persons. Many devices have used that help a deaf person to hear. Scientists are trying to create a device that will help the blind person to see.


Diagnosis Diseases

Different software is available that stores different diseases and their symptoms. The diagnosis of the disease is possible by entering the symptoms of a patient. Moreover, different computerized devices are used in laboratories for different tests of blood, etc.    
